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The Ignite You Program

Are You Ready to Embrace Your Authentic Self and Live Your Best Life Now? 


Discover brain hacks to rewire your brain for success, achieve greater focus and clarity, and unlock your full potential.


With over 100 Brain Hacks hacks based on the latest neuroscience research, designed to help you break through limiting beliefs and achieve breakthrough results.


Whether you're looking to start a new career, improve your relationships, or simply live a happier life, our program is tailored to your unique goals and aspirations.


Take the first step towards your transformation today by booking a complimentary call with me.

Dr. Simone Boer

About our coaching process

We work with 4 pillars for transformation, each pillar is designed to help you unlock your full potential and achieve your goals.


All things Brain:


Shape your thoughts, actions, and environment to align with your authentic self, breaking free from limiting beliefs and self-imposed barriers through the use of Brain Hacks


Owning you, and your life:


Embrace full accountability for your thoughts, actions, and life, eliminating the victim mindset and stepping into your power. Uncover your true motivations, passions, drivers, and shadow self, revealing the core of who you are and who you aspire to be


Execute and love doing it:


Bring your dreams to life through a strategic approach, manifesting and actualizing your internal changes to create success and fulfillment


Results, Results, Results:


Enjoy your new life truly, and see how your family and friends sit in awe at the new you

Your Complete Transformational
Journey Includes

Embark on a comprehensive journey of confidence, and living a life on your terms. Join weekly, monthly or yearly

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Learning Portal

Access to our repository of hacks, tools, worksheets, videos, visualisations to up level you, and your life

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Mthly group coaching with Dr S - get coached and have your questions answered  

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Defining clarity in your goals and building a future state roadmap to get you to where you want to be in life

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Weekly Education with the latest tools to uplift your mindset for clarity, confidence, and that next step in life

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A supportive, nurturing community of like-minded individuals on a similar journey of self-discovery

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BONUS: 1:1 Coaching

Sign for full yr membership, for 3 x 1:1 sessions with our team - bookable within your 12 mths


"I recently found myself embarking on a new path professionally, one in which I felt uncomfortable.
Realising this feeling was of my own making and was stopping me from the success I wanted, I reached out to Simone for guidance.
With an evidence based approach and methodology, Simone helped me to recognise the strengths I had built so far are actually pillars I can use to support myself. They can be used to give me faith in my feelings and give me the strength to actively engage successfully in the next level of my career."

Greg B Apr 2023

Countless professionals just like you have created unstoppable confidence and transformed their lives

By embracing our unique 'brain hacks', numerous professionals have discovered the secret to unlocking their full potential. This isn't about following the conventional, one-size-fits-all approach to self-improvement. It's about tapping into a personalized, neuroscience-based strategy that aligns with who you are at your core.


Why settle for traditional methods, when you can achieve more?

Forget the outdated self-help techniques that barely scratch the surface of your true capacity. The 'Ignite You' 2024 Membership offers a fresh approach, combining the latest in neurocoaching with personalized strategies tailored to your individual needs and goals.



Neuro-coaching is it's own unique method, that works with your subconscious to dissolve limitations, create confidence, and get you understanding your true self. 

Your unique personality, strengths, and aspirations need to be identified, and embraced. They are the secret to personal and professional success—and are the fuel that will propel you forward. It's time to embrace, celebrate and elevate you.


Sue B

"When I met Simone, I was feeling lost and unsure of direction both personally and professionally. The positive vibes when I first met Simone and the encouragement that it’s ok no matter the outcome. The experience was positive and empowering and led to greater confidence in my ability and trust in my own judgement.

I have since progressed in my career and lost 52kgs!"

Sign up now for the 40 Days to Ignite You

40 Day Ignite You Masterclass Series: Covering conscious and unconscious re-programming of your brain - imposter, authenticity, and confidence, giving you the education, the accountability and the space to do ‘the work’ (5 masterclasses).

Exclusive Workbooks, Brain Hacks, and Tools: Exercises, Assessments, Visualizations, and Videos to Guide You Through Your Journey.

Access To 1 X Q&A Coaching Session: Get All Your Questions Answered Directly By Dr. S.

Buy now ignite you


See what my clients are saying about A Fresh Approach Coaching & Consulting.


I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with our wonderful customers, and I'm even more grateful for the kind words they've shared with me.


I believe that feedback is crucial in improving our services, and I'm proud to showcase some of the great feedback received.


Dr. Simone Boer

Unlock your full potential and take control of your destiny with the Ignite You coaching program, designed to guide you through four essential pillars of transformation

"As a renowned expert in neuroscience, coaching, leadership, Dr. Simone Boer has helped countless individuals at career crossroads dissolve insecurities, break free from autopilot, and reclaim control of their lives."

"If you're committed to personal growth, open to embracing change, and eager to unleash your full potential, the Ignite You program is the key to unlocking your brightest future. Don't let fear, self-doubt, or limiting beliefs hold you back any longer. 

Unleash Your True Potential

Transform Your Life, Career, and Relationships with our Ignite You Program

Welcome to your life changing coaching program where revolutionary science backed principles meet personalized coaching to create a seamless tapestry of strategies to transform your life and career. This program is designed to empower individuals like you with tools and knowledge to unlock your inner power. I will train you to use over 100 neuro science backed brain hacks with proven leadership strategies.

Who is the Ignite You program for?

  • High achievers who have lost their way and are ready to reignite their passion and purpose


  • Individuals committed to embracing change, personal growth, and self-discovery


  • People open to vulnerability, willing to receive feedback, and ready to put in the work


  • Visionaries seeking to create a fulfilling life, career, and legacy for themselves and their families

Dr. Simone Boer
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